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Post Therapy Cycle

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It is always necessary to take care of your health as there are a lot of risk factors that may affect it. But if you are a heavy performance and image enhancing drug user, the number of risk factors significantly increases. That’s why you need to turn your head to post cycle therapy.

In our STEROID-PHARM shop, you can buy quality pcts at friendly prices. 

What are pcts?

Undoubtedly, you have heard there are some pcts in sport. But what is pct and what are pcts? Now, let’s make it clear.

In general, PCT is the abbreviation for Post Cycle Therapy. The word “cycle” stands for the bulking/cutting course, during which athletes take AASs to expedite and enhance desired results. Then, after the cycle is over, it is high time for helping your body to recover. To put it short, post-cycle therapy is a body recovery course you need to undergo after taking pharma. 

Thus, pcts are drugs to take during post-cycle therapy. In the broadest classification, there are the following types of them:

Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs);

Selective Estrogen Receptive Modulators (SERMs).

Perhaps, SERMs are one of the most popular and safe pcts. And here, pct Nolvadex is an example of great efficacy.

What exact product you need depends on the exact anabolic products you have taken, the side effect you suffer, your exact hormonal status, and the targeted result of your regimen. 

If you need our consultation regarding what pcts to buy, feel free to reach our support.

Why do you need post cycle therapy?

You know, performance and image enhancing drugs (PIED), to some extent, may have side effects resulted in unbalancing your hormonal system. In other words, your body gets so much exogenous testosterone that it becomes lazy to produce endogenous one. And when you stop taking these PIEDs, you get left with lower hormone secretion and the lower hormone level in your body. Besides, if the drugs you take during your bulking and cutting aromatize and have severe estrogen effect, you suffer the risk to catch gyno.

Elaborate post cycle therapy regimen and correct pcts help you treat, minimize, or even totally avoid the negative side effects mentioned above. To be more specific, we provide a few main examples of post therapy cycle results:

First, you significantly reduce an after-cycle retrogression effect and have your body relief as striking as you made it during your cycle;

Second, you restore your hormonal balance and your testosterone secretion;

Third, you prevent or remove gynecomastia symptoms and other issues you may have because of estrogen exposure (and here, pct Nolvadex may help you a lot);

Forth, you prevent losing your libido;

Fifth, your overall health state gets improved.

To conclude, the importance of post-cycle therapy is hard to overestimate (though, sometimes it is underestimated and dangerously neglected). Perhaps, after the “what is pct” question, you have a “where to buy pcts” question. The answer is as clear as a day. Buy them in reliable shops that guarantee the authenticity of the product they sell. 

So, take care of your health and buy pcts at STEROID-PHARM shop right away.

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