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How Exactly Goes Weight Loss Process with Clenbuterol


Many live by the principle - to achieve their goal, all means are good. Those who are already desperate to get cherished forms in the most common ways, turn to medicines, the direct purpose of which has nothing to do with losing weight. Clenbuterol for weight loss is able to effectively burn fat.

Clenbuterol is very popular. This is not an anabolic hormone. Naturally, this drug has its own specific qualities, but it is chosen for the development of muscle mass and drying, because the result of its action might be observed quickly.

The drug is used to treat asthma due to the ability to dilate the bronchi and facilitate breathing, but this aspect is no less important in training. Physical loads require obtaining more oxygen for the body; it saturates the tissues and starts the process of losing weight in the body.

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How Clenbuterol Works

Clenbuterol works in a complex way. Under the influence of the drug in humans, the body temperature rises, the processes of fat splitting are accelerated and accelerated, and the release of hormones such as adrenaline and noradrenaline, which are known to have the ability to "burn" fats, is also intensified. In general, the drug ratifies the main metabolism by about 20-30%, which means that in the same proportion, the process of losing weight is also accelerating.

In addition, Clenbuterol has the ability to suppress appetite, without suppressing the energy potential. And most importantly - under its influence, the activity of lipoprotein lipase is reduced, which means that further deposition of fats in the corresponding layer is impossible.

Athletes appreciate this drug for its anti-catabolic effect: in addition to helping to burn fat, it does not destroy muscle tissue, which is very important when a low-calorie diet is combined with heavy physical exertion.

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How to Take Clenbuterol

As such instructions of Clenbuterol for weight loss does not exist, because the drug was originally intended for other purposes.

·The only thing that can be said is that the dose should increase gradually. First it is recommended to take 20 mg and every day to increase the dose by 20 mg for five days.

·On the sixth day, 120 mg should be taken.

·During the next six days, the dosage does not change, and on the 13th day and the 14th day, the dose should be reduced by 40 mg.

·After that, you need to take a break for 14 days.

The ideal time for taking the drug was earlier in the morning. First, it is so inherent in nature that the body secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine in these hours. Secondly, this can reduce the likelihood of insomnia. With increasing dosage, Clenbuterol is taken twice a day - in the morning and during lunch.

The maximum effectiveness of this course can be achieved if you combine Clenbuterol and Thyroxine. However, in this case, it is possible to strengthen the former side effects and the appearance of new ones.

What Is The Price Of The Drug And Are There Any Side Effects?

If we talk about the price of Clenbuterol for weight loss, this drug can be purchased for 400-500 rubles. It is supposed to be sold by prescription, but usually it is not asked in pharmacies. The side effects of taking the drug were as follows:

·In 20% of the respondents there was a tremor and tremor, which completely passed through the incident of several days of admission. In addition, they can be eliminated with ketotifen;

·10% of respondents complained of sweating;

·With improper admission, insomnia is possible, which can be eliminated with ketotifen;

·The appearance of tachycardia, high blood pressure;

·In the first days of admission, diarrhea may manifest itself;


·Weight loss.

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