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Weight and Strength Course

Description, composition and use of "Methandienone + Sustanon-250" This combination belongs to the category of the most powerful steroid courses. The oral preparation Methandienone has a very strong anabolic effect, and Sustanon-250 is an anabolic drug for intramuscular injection, consisting of a mix of 4 different testosterone esters with individual properties and different exposure times. These steroids combine well and have beneficial effects on metabolic intracellular processes. Due to the combined anabolic and androgenic effects, the protein synthesis process is intensified in the body, which leads to an increase in muscle mass. On the course, you can easily gain 6-8 kg. Additionally, strength and endurance are growing. At the very beginning of the course you can increase working weights: the intensity of the training process increases significantly.

The motivation for training is also increasing and the recovery period after classes is shortened. Mandatory use of auxiliary drugs. From the second week of the course, you should start to use Proviron on a tablet per day and drink the drug for 3 weeks. This will prevent fluid retention in the muscles, aromatization and gynecomastia. At the end of the course, PCT using Clomid is required. This medicine will help restore the production of natural hormones. This cycle is designed for experienced athletes who have already used softer anabolic steroids in their workouts. The duration of the course is 5 weeks. The duration of the PCT is 2 weeks. Dosage Methandienone - in the first week 2 tablets daily, in the following weeks - 3 tablets; Sustanon-250 - 1 ampoule weekly; Proviron is used at 2, 3 and 4 weeks of a course of 1 table. in a day; Clomid is used in 2 tablets daily in the first week after the course and 1 tablet in the second week. In total, the course includes 1 pack of methandienone; 5 ampoules of Sustanon-250; Pack of Proviron (21 tablets); Pack of Clomid (21 tablets).