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Kigtropin, Kigtropin

Model: 10 vials x 10 ME
Availability: In stock
300 $ 250 $



About the drug

Kigtropin - growth hormone, Chinese production. We are engaged in the lowest price segment in this kind of goods. Recently, the packaging has changed, turning from a second-rate thin cardboard, into a high-quality glossy, lacquered box. In addition, a new version of Kigtropin is available in a smaller container, instead of 10 bottles in the old version, now packs 5 bottles.

This makes the product more accessible for beginners, especially for those who did not have the experience of using growth hormone and do not want to invest big money for starting experiments. For them, this packaging is an excellent choice. Also an obvious advantage of the new box is the presence of plastic holders, which prevent the contents from excessive shaking, and damage to glass bottles.


Working and Positive Effects


Kigtropin, like similar recombinant growth hormones like: Gintropine, Ansomon, Higrothropin and others, is produced in China. It differs from its counterparts at a more attractive price. Kigtropin is produced since 2005 by Kigtropin Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

This growth hormone is called recombinant because of its production technology, which means that it was created artificially in the laboratory (using the e.Coli bacteria). Its chain completely corresponds to the endogenous human growth hormone, and has the same sequence of 191 amino acids.

By the degree of purification, Kigtropin is still slightly inferior to such giants as Gintropin, Higrothropin and Ansomon, but on the whole it is working out its more attractive price for 100%. You can say this kind of "middling" when choosing growth hormone, a budget option for people with limited financial resources, but fulfilling all the inherent functions of it in full.


Effects of using Kigtropin:

•reduction in body fat;

•strengthening cartilage and bone tissue;

•increased immunity;

•Increased stamina and strength;

•reducing the risk of SSS pathologies;

•improvement of the skin condition.

In our store you can buy Kigtropin online at an affordable price and original quality.


Dosage and Expected Result


For adults, Kigtrope will be useful because it reduces fat deposits, increases muscle mass, increases energy reserves of the body, improves vitality and gives a sense of well-being.

Kigtropin is also used in medicine to treat muscle atrophy, to restore the skin after severe burns, to promote accelerated healing of wounds (including post-operative ones), to prevent catabolism and to increase anabolic reactions in the body (creative).

To prepare the solution, you need 1 ml of sterile water for injection, or a physical solution. Fill the insulin syringe u-100 with water, just 1 ml this will be the most extreme last mark. Extrude all contents into a vial of lyophilized powder along the walls, smoothly moving. No need to shake, the contents will dissolve in the water instantly. The maximum that can be done, so it is easy to twist the bottle in his hand. The solution is ready for use.

How to properly combine these components, we recommend that you consult with a specialist.

Morning is an excellent time for injection, when the blood glucose level is low, and the growth hormone by nature is already at a high level, pushing it with an exogenous somatotropin can add even more results to your goals.

Cigrotropin can cause short-term hyperglycemia (increased blood sugar), this effect occurs over time, or after drug withdrawal. About 1% of those using growth hormone can get irritation at the injection site, redness, burning, possible fluid retention. The best way to gain weight is to buy Kigtropin online in our store and start training.

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