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Gonadorelin is a natural hormone that increases the secretion of two gonadotropins: FSH and LH. These 2 hormones affect the increase in testosterone production. Its structure is similar to a peptide. They release Gonadorilin in injections.

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Efficacy of Gonadorelin


The main task of the drug is to increase the production of testosterone. This increases the results in sports. Increased secretion of LH and FSH increases testosterone and spermatogenesis. LH stimulates the production of more testosterone and sends it to the blood vessels in men.

FSG develops and promotes the action of the seminal canals - spermatogenesis.

This drug naturally affects the increase in the production of testosterone endogen. It has much greater efficiency and positive characteristics than the artificial one:

•There are no estrogens;

•It is not flavored;

•There is no fill in it.

The wide use of this drug, and not of other peptides, is explained by the fact that it can be used in tournaments that carry out doping control. The drug makes it possible to easily get out of the admission course, and also saves the result between breaks in the course.

Gonadorelin is a short ether with a quick action. Its price is much lower than that of similar drugs.

The main results from the use of the drug:

•Increased production of natural testosterone;

•Increased muscle mass gain;

•Increased strength;

•Improvement of spermatogenesis;

•Well suited for after the course therapy;

•Is a bridge in the application of several courses.

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Course of taking the drug


For the effectiveness of Gonadorelin a pulsating circuit is used. She is 2 weeks of the course, and then 2 weeks break, then again 2 weeks of the course, followed by an absolute rest.

The end of the course normalizes the sex glands and testosterone. This model of Gnadorelin intake will retain the result and will not cause any negative reactions.

Combine the drug with GHRP-6, as well as Ipamorelin. This combination maximizes the collection of muscle mass and their density.

Correct reception and doses are similar to the reception of GHRP2 and GHRP6. The standard dose is 1-2 μg per 1 kg of human body weight. They spit up to 4 times a day. Injections are administered subcutaneously.

Numerous laboratory and clinical studies have shown that it does not adversely affect the organs. This applies even to large doses.

Athletes' testimonials confirm that the drug is in demand and popular. Store in a cool, dry and dark place at a temperature of 2 to 8 degrees Celsius above zero.

Reviews of gonadorulin


Reviews on gonadoreilIn the Internet, positive reviews of the gonadorelin peptide are prevalent. People write about the increase in muscle mass when using Gonadorelin on PCT, also indicate the preservation of power indicators after stopping the course of anabolic steroids. Athletes note the almost complete absence of the feeling of "pit" after the course of Gonadoliberin, preservation of the quality weight, while the discharge of water is noted.

Of the negative aspects of the use of peptide, reviews of gonadorelin noted the inconvenience of administration and a large number of injections throughout the day. Most of the recommendations for use are focused on the male audience, it is widely believed that it is better not to use women GnRH.

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