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GHRP-2 (5 mg)
GHRP-2 (5 mg)
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18 $

GHRP-2 (5 mg)


The GHRP-2 peptide is a peptide that is responsible for stimulating the hormone responsible for growth - somatotropin. Studies have shown high efficiency, which makes it a powerful peptide that affects growth hormone.

GHRP-2 affects the pituitary gland, increasing the level of hormone production by 7-15 times, other drugs of similar action work only 3 times better. Samotropin increases the rates in children and adults. The drug is great for those who want to gain weight for the mass of muscles. The effectiveness of taking the drug in this case will be very high.


The effectiveness of the application of GHRP-2


The set of mass occurs gradually, approximately for 2-3 courses. However, such a scheme will help to save the typed result for a long time, in contrast to high-speed courses, after which the effect disappears immediately. Of course, and the quality of the mass will be better with a gradual increase in muscle growth. The intake of this drug excludes any adverse reactions that may occur when taking steroids. This fact is important and makes the drug in demand for athletes who care not only about achieving the effect, but also the state of their health and body.

GHRP-2 gives only positive results and will not affect negatively in the future on your body. The drug is widely used by athletes in different sports. The main positive effects of the drug:

•Effects on the production of the hormone responsible for growth;

•Increased muscle mass;

•Fat burning;

•Creation of a relief;

•Increased appetite;

•Strengthening of the bone system;

•Decreased cholesterol;

•Anti-aging effect;

•Prevention of inflammatory processes;

•Protective function for the liver from toxins.

This peptide is absolutely harmless to health and has no negative signs for the body. It is not a foreign substance for the organism and does not interfere with natural processes. It does not change the natural growth hormone, unlike the artificial ones. Stimulation of own somatropin favorably affects the body as a whole.


Course of taking the drug


GHRP-2 best stimulates somatropin - growth hormone. This is one of the safest means, which effectively affects the result without any side reactions. The dosage of the drug affects the achievement of the result.

Studies have shown that the effectiveness is not affected by age, sex characteristics and body characteristics. The standard dose is 1-3 μg per 1 kg of human body weight. This dosage will give a sufficient release of the hormone. An increased dose of 2 μg per kg of human weight will give 150% of the result. This dose will increase the effect, but does not apply for more than 2-3 months. After completing the course, you need to rest for about a month.

The largest dose of 3 μg will give an effect of about 175%.

To improve the result, the drug is combined with others. For maximum effect, you can combine with CJC 1295. The dosage will be one to one.

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