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Taking injectable AAS - how and where to inject?

Today, almost every experienced bodybuilder, powerlifter or weightlifter at least once resorted to the use of anabolics for his sports activities. This is not surprising, because such drugs help to quickly achieve your goals: gain muscle mass and increase strength characteristics. Beginners also use doping, but usually they choose oral medications.

However, it cannot be denied that injectable steroids begin to act much faster and have less toxic effect on the liver. Therefore, over time, every bodybuilder switches to drugs of this type. But, so that their reception is not overshadowed by pain, you need to know how to correctly inject steroids.

Where to inject steroids?

There is disagreement over where it is better to administer anabolic. However, most bodybuilders agree that the gluteus muscle is considered the safest place. But even here there is a risk of getting into the nerve, which will lead to a painful sensation and, possibly, to temporary immobilization of the limb. Therefore, you need to visually divide the buttock into 4 squares. Stitching is necessary in the upper inner square.

Of course, you can put an injection in the shoulder, triceps or thigh, but in practice it is much more difficult to get into the muscle than on the buttock. If you are a beginner, it is better not to tempt fate and make an injection into the gluteal muscle. If the injection is made by another person, the process will be less painful as you can relax.

Remember that steroids can only be injected intramuscularly. Such drugs are never administered intravenously, as this can lead to serious consequences.

Choosing a syringe for injecting steroids

Everyone knows that when administering drugs intramuscularly, the syringe should be selected based on the amount of substance administered. In bodybuilding, the principle is almost the same.

The optimal syringe volume for anabolic steroids is 5 cubic meters. This volume is enough for beginners and more experienced bodybuilders. The needle in such a syringe is not too thick and easily penetrates the body. At the same time, its diameter is quite enough to easily draw an oily steroid into the syringe. The needle must be inserted in two-thirds.

Also, 2 cc syringes can be used to administer AAS. The needles in them are thinner, which makes the injection less noticeable, however, it can be problematic to get an oily steroid. Such a needle is inserted into the muscle almost the entire length.

Preparation for drug administration

There are some tips on how to inject steroids. They will make the injection less painful:

  • after collecting the drug into the syringe, it is necessary to release air;
  • oily steroids need to be heated to 37 degrees (approximate human temperature);
  • Inject into the upper inner square of the buttock;
  • Before inserting the needle, wipe the injection site with alcohol or alcohol wipes;
  • insert the needle with slight acceleration;
  • administer the drug gently;
  • if you put injections in the gluteus, alternate the buttocks.

If you choose a quality drug and administer it correctly, then you can achieve the expected result. But remember, when cones appear at the injection site, you should stop taking the medication.