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Perpetual course - principles, scheme, side effects

Most people, regardless of whether they engage in professional sports or not, have heard about the practice of taking steroids by bodybuilders. However, only weightlifting professionals know about the eternal course. Usually it is not practiced by beginners and those who train only in order to find the desired figure.

The eternal course of steroids is a regular intake of sports pharmacology drugs without interruptions. It allows you to quickly achieve the desired result, but it is always accompanied by many side effects. How serious they will be and how they will affect your body depends on the proper selection of steroids and calculation of the dosage of each medication.

Basic principles

The eternal course or cycle, as it is also called, is always built on taking testosterone. We can say that synthetic male hormone is its main component. You can use any testosterone ester - it does not matter.

Before you begin the eternal cycle, think carefully and weigh the pros and cons, because if you start it and want to stop after 2-3 years, your hormonal balance will no longer return to normal.

For such a course, it is necessary to purchase only high-quality steroids. Of course, this rule applies to any course, but in this case it is especially important: you will not have time for PCT and recovery of the body after a poor-quality drug. Therefore, purchase steroids only in trusted stores or pharmacies.

As already mentioned, for the cycle you can choose any testosterone ester. But the main rule is to periodically change them, forcing the body to move away from the usual system of hormone consumption from the outside.

Steroid regimen

The eternal course of steroids is also called androgenic, since it is based on taking testosterone with high androgenic properties. However, taking this steroid solo does not help to gain mass, so the cycle is built according to the following scheme:

taking a strong anabolic (Oxymetholone, Nandrolone, Trenbolone) lasting from 6 to 12 weeks;

taking a less active drug (Winstrol, Masteron) for 6-12 weeks;

testosterone bridge.

In the first two stages, medication is taken in a dosage as on a solo course. The bridge is built on the intake of a small amount of male hormone. At the same time, it is necessary to reduce the number of power loads and it is better to pay more attention to cardio training.

Side effects

On the perpetual cycle, side effects do not go anywhere, but it depends on you how much they will be pronounced and how they will affect your body. Among the most common side effects include:

imbalance in cholesterol - can lead to the formation of plaques in the vessels;

overtraining - can cause significant harm to the athlete’s nervous system. It is also dangerous because its symptoms may go unnoticed;

hypertrophy of the heart muscle - to avoid this, it is necessary to regularly perform exercises to train the heart system;

violation of erectile function - you need to periodically take antiestrogens.

If you regularly conduct examinations and monitor the condition of your body, then you can notice the symptoms in the early stages and eliminate them.