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Why do we take steroids or harm and benefit

In the modern world, it is quite difficult to find a bodybuilder who would refuse to take steroids. It is no secret that pumped up muscles, beautiful shapes and weight gain are not natural wonders, but the result of careful courses. So why have steroids become so popular today?

  • Almost all novice bodybuilders are influenced by surrounding athletes. The fact is that it is very easy for an inexperienced person to prove something that he does not understand. Especially if it is done by more experienced and "advanced" comrades. So, those who have already taken steroids sharply criticize those who have never “tried”. "Experienced" talk about the bright prospects for taking drugs - on forums, sites, at a meeting. As a rule, the positive aspects of taking drugs are embellished and the negative ones are hidden. The fact remains: you should not believe even those people who have been sitting on sports pharmacology for several years. Far from always they are competent in these matters.
  • An irresistible desire to achieve good sports results. But here again the influence of stereotypes and public opinion plays an important role. When a man has been training in the gym for years and does not see any weight gain or any particular difference from the forms that he had previously, a certain disappointment appears. In this case, the “experienced” comrades begin to convince the poor fellow that he won’t succeed without taking steroids, otherwise he will simply be condemned for the allegedly wasted time. In this case, a person has to choose: either he will adjust his goals and begin to train only to maintain health, or he will try to become a “great” athlete in every sense of the word. Using tablets, naturally.
  • Eternally relevant reason - complexes. In this case, any arguments are used - the girls do not pay attention, and the friends do not particularly respect, and I myself feel like a “dead guy” next to the guys in the hall. As a rule, there is only one way out: to start taking steroids in order to “get into shape” “quickly”. But only “fast” is not always “good”. And the result may not be exactly as it is drawn in your head.
  • The limit is of a genetic nature. One way or another, “natural” athletes after several years of training achieve certain results, and over time they no longer gain either mass or strength. Experts attribute this to the fact that after 25 years the body’s ability to recover annually “goes down”. But what to do if a person does not want to come to terms with this state of things and wants to receive progress further. It is very difficult psychologically to get used to the idea that you will no longer achieve more than now. It is in such cases that steroids come to the rescue.

Good. Everything seems to be pretty good. And you can begin to "ply", expecting good results. But why then do many fail? Or it turns out, but they eventually abandon this venture? It is necessary to understand what danger steroid preparations carry in themselves

  • Possible increased pressure in the arteries. At the same time, the likelihood of “seizing" a heart attack or stroke increases;
  • The lipid profile of blood loses its good performance. Your blood gradually begins to be “enriched” with cholesterol, and the vessels become narrower and less durable;
  • Acne appears on the face and body. This scares off many athletes for whom aesthetics always come first;
  • Hair begins to grow quickly. And if on the head - this is still half the trouble. But the appearance of hair where it would not be desirable to see it at all is a normal state of affairs when taking steroids;
  • The liver begins to overload due to the large number of tablets. Yes, she can help you for many years, and maybe let you down at the most crucial moment;
  • The appearance of heartburn. This is a consequence of taking certain drugs. The worst outcome is esophageal cancer and other "troubles";
  • The risk of developing cancer of any etymology increases. This risk increases as your relatives get cancer and what is the probability of getting sick from you;
  • Increased libido while taking drugs. This may be a positive moment for young guys, but over time it can distract from the intended goals and plans;
  • The production of natural hormones is disrupted. It is known that while taking steroids, its testosterone is produced in small quantities. In addition, it is not known for sure whether everything returns to normal after drug withdrawal;
  • Adolescents have a problem with growth. If you drink steroids at 15-18 years old, you run the risk of disrupting the natural course of growth of your body;
  • An abscess that is possible after a bad injection.

The mentioned “side effects” at first glance are not so dangerous. But do you need to test your strength? Is this just the game that is worth the candle?

Even if you answered “Yes” to the questions above, here are some more interesting facts for you.

The bottom line is that even if you are lucky and the first course will be “excellent”, then you run the risk of getting into a network of drug dependence. Why? Yes, because at the end of ku