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Steroids: which course is better

Steroids are powerful enough substances that can lead to muscle hypertrophy. Many forget that before taking such serious drugs, a doctor’s consultation is necessary. "Self-medication" is not appropriate here. In addition, there are age restrictions: steroid preparations are contraindicated for young adolescents.

In general, without delving into the features of each individual drug, one can note the following patterns:

  • Take drugs should be under the supervision of a specialist;
  • As the power of the drug and its dose increase, the likelihood of side effects and the rollback phenomenon increases;
  • All such drugs have androgenic effects, but have different severity;
  • Injections are safer than tablets and capsules;
  • No need to strive for instant results. It is better to conduct 2 weak courses with pauses than one strong one with subsequent disappointment as a result;
  • Do not believe advertising: new steroids are not safer than old ones. In the last century, the budget went to check the quality of drugs, and today - to ensure that they simply are not detected in the blood;
  • Aromatase and antiestrogens should be used very carefully. Do not forget about protecting your body after the course, as well as improving the effectiveness of taking steroids with post-cycle therapy;
  • To be satisfied with the result, you need to moderate the dosage of drugs, combine them correctly and adhere to tips on the duration of the course. Following these tips, you will get a good result with a minimum of side effects and without the rollback phenomenon (or its minimal manifestations).

Steroid Course Basics

Experts argue that a shorter course and small doses of the drug are better than a long course with high doses. In the first case, you will get a good result, a minimum of side effects and the almost complete absence of a rollback phenomenon. In the second story - negative consequences for the body and a noticeable “rollback". Not always “more” equates to “better”.

You can object and say that many "athletes" advise you to move quickly and confidently, taking large doses of the drug and not taking breaks between courses. But they are mistaken: the consequences may be the most unexpected.

Muscle memory and short-term courses

Scientists from the University of Oslo have come to the conclusion that even “quick” courses with a minimum of drugs help your muscles “remember” them. The use of steroids triggers this muscle memory mechanism. When you begin to practice again after a long break, volume and muscle strength will be restored faster than those who have never taken the drugs. In addition, in people who have experience with taking drugs, cell nuclei will divide more intensively.

Example of an effective course

Researchers at Bhasin S, Storer TW found that if testosterone enanthate is used in an amount of 600 mg per week for 10 weeks, then these results can be achieved:

  • If you take the drug and do not exercise, you can increase the weight by an average of 1.8 kg;
  • If you enter the drug, avoiding training, then you can increase lean muscle mass in the amount of 3 kg;
  • If you train 3 times a week, you can gain up to 6 kg of lean muscle mass;
  • In any scenario, a reduction in fat will be noticeable.

Courses and muscle mass gain

If you are a thin man, you are over 25 years old and you have no medical contraindications, then such a course will suit you perfectly.

In addition to the regimen of the drug, you should adhere to such recommendations:

  • Get on the scales every 3 days and control your weight;
  • If you notice that the mass gain is slow, then you need to increase the calorie intake - and vice versa;
  • The total value of the protein should vary within 2 g per kilogram of weight. You can find out the more accurate value by calculating it on a calculator;
  • Adhere to sports nutrition, which should include the optimal amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates;
  • Train in the gym in accordance with the recommendations of a specialist;
  • Get enough sleep - it’s important for you to have at least 8 hours of full sleep daily.

Proper injection

Another important component of achieving the desired result is the correct administration of the drug. Steroids need to be injected deep into the gluteal muscle, but it is also necessary:

  • Wash hands thoroughly with soap;
  • Heat the ampoule to 40 degrees in a water bath or in the armpit;
  • Rub hands and ampoule with alcohol;
  • Correctly open the ampoule: make a file on the neck, chop off the nose with a gauze wrap. If there is a mark (dot) on the ampoule, then you just need to break it in this place without a file;
  • For injection, you need a syringe with a 37 mm needle. These are 5- and 10-cc syringes;
  • Gathering the drug into the syringe, you need to remove air bubbles from it;
  • It is necessary to treat the injection site with alcohol, cologne or vodka;
  • So that the needle does not break, you need to do an injection while lying down;
  • It is necessary to insert the needle into the upper lateral square of the buttocks to the full length at an angle of 90 degrees;
  • To make sure that the drug does not enter the bloodstream, you need to slightly pull the piston. If you inject an oil preparation into the bloodstream, you can put yourself in great danger;
  • The introduction of the drug should be slow;
  • Take out the needle slowly. Then it is necessary to attach a swab with alcohol to the injection site;
  • After - you need to massage the injection site lasting 5 minutes.

Adhering to these simple instructions, you will achieve the desired result with a minimum of losses. Remember: in any business it is important to have an action plan and not neglect it!