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Provinox, Malay Tiger (Malaysia)

Model: Mesterolonum
Availability: In stock


50 Tablets
40 $


For a qualitative increase in muscle mass, athletes choose Provinox. This drug, an essential plus of which is a moderate activity of androgen and erectile function.


The difference is a high affinity for the proteins that bind the blood plasma, thus this medicament perfectly interacts, complements other steroids. But even more significant, a remarkable advantage is the development of male genital organs, increased libido, potency. Provinox is actively accepted for medical purposes if a man has problems with a decrease in efficiency, infertility. Among bodybuilders, Mesterolone used to increase the level of androgens during a diet or intensified preparation for various competitions.


Side effects differ from the known analogs (observed head hair loss, prostate's hypertrophy).


It doesn't have a high toxic effect in low doses.  It is important to monitor the health, especially the liver, because in men benign or malignant tumors were found. This is the result of taking hormonal drugs. Only in some cases, bleeding caused by malignant tumors threatened life. You must take this medication very carefully.


Provinox's optimal daily dose is 50 mg. Tablets should be divided into two parts, eat them after eating. An overdose can lead to undesirable opposite effects. Permissible rate is not more than 100 mg per day.


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