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Andropen 275, British Dragon

Andropen 275
Producer: British Dragon
Availability: In stock
40 $

About the drug

Andropen - a drug that, due to its etheric properties of testosterone, can give an athlete the influx of the most important hormone.

Andropen is a powerful steroid, which is designed to increase the effectiveness of training and enhance the athlete's physical performance. In the world of bodybuilding, this drug came from the medical field and proved itself as an excellent solution for those who wish to undergo a cortex of steroids to increase dry muscle mass. Due to the competent course design, Andropen allows to achieve significant results for beginners and to increase the effectiveness of trainings for experienced bodybuilders.

Andropen operates as much as about sixteen days, but be careful when doping control it can be found in the blood for ninety days.

Working and Positive Effects

The preparation includes such testosterone esters: cypionate, acetate, decanoate, phenylpropionate, propionate. Thanks to properly selected ethers, the body maintains the required amount of testosterone, which affects the growth of muscle mass and increases the strength. After getting into the blood of Andropen, the first active acetate, which has a half-life of about a day, affects muscle growth and strength. After it, propionate, which has a period of action of about two days, is included in the work. Further activated phenylpropionate, which maintains its effect for five days. A little later, its properties are shown by cypionate, which has a long period of action within 15-16 days. It has many advantages, among which influence on the bone system, immunity and muscle mass. Last, the effect of the drug is completed by decanoate, which is the longest ether. 

Effects of Andropen 275:

  • increased strength and endurance;
  • increased muscle growth;
  • bone strengthening;
  • improvement of immunity.

This drug is very popular among bodybuilders and allows you to quickly achieve the desired result without serious side effects.

Andropen is considered a very strong farm, so before you buy it, you need to make sure there are no contraindications and to consult a specialist. Failure to follow recommendations and preparations may lead to such a phenomenon as a side effect. It can manifest itself in the form of: an increase in the amount of subcutaneous fat, alopecia, gynecomastia, oily skin, acne, and a decrease in libido. The duration of the course is about 6 weeks. Depending on the individual characteristics and goals, it can be extended. The optimal dosage should not exceed 300-600 mg per week. Injections are done once a week. Women Andropen is not recommended, as a large percentage of the manifestation of masculinization and other adverse reactions. Buy Andropen online and get the best quality for the lowest price!

Before starting the use of steroid drugs, consult a doctor about personal tolerability and dosage selection.

Dosage and Expected Result

Andropen 275 - it is advisable to use with other dough, as it is the ether itself which contains tests with different rates of blood spacing. In the Andropena course, you need to turn Proviron or Tamoxifen on to fix your muscle volume.

How to take Andropen 275 what would be the effect? It can be from 250 mg and above in a week's time, the course can last from 1.5-2 months.

If you decide to buy Andropen 275 from China, and you are over 21 years old, contact us ...

If you are under the age of 21 take methane tablets, stanozolol, oxandrolone or turinabol, and leave Andropen for later when your experience will be worthy of this drug. The drug is very strong, so its solo course is enough, but sometimes different combinations are used with other AAS. To set muscle mass was maximum, the program includes methandienone, nandrolone or stanozolol. After the completion of the steroid, post-course therapy is needed, which includes tamoxifen or clomid and gonadotropin. Buy Andropen online and start your career in the world of bodybuilding. 

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