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How to pump up your chest muscles. 3 TIPS

Ambal.com.ua offers you three programs: for a beginner, for a medium-trained and advanced athlete. Do not try to deceive yourself by starting not with a program for a higher level of training. There will be little sense from this. Excellent muscles of the chest will only get one who will do everything in good faith.


If you are in the gym for the first time or have come there after a long break, you will first have to train your chest muscles for basic exercises. During the first four weeks, complete these four exercises as follows. Increase your training weight for each weekly. 1st week 1 set of 10-12 repetitions 2nd week 1-2 sets of 10-12 repetitions 3rd week 2-3 sets of 10-12 repetitions 4th week 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions with dumbbells lying on a horizontal bench

  • Take dumbbells in your hands and lie down with your back on a horizontal bench. Bending your knees at a 90 ° angle, raise your legs above the seat. Hold dumbbells over your chest, bending your elbows slightly and turning your thumbs to each other.
  • Slowly move your arms down and slightly back, spread the dumbbells to the sides until the shoulders are parallel to the floor and in line with the ears
  • Take a short pause and lift the dumbbells to the starting position Push-ups from the floor with one leg resting
  • Take the push-up position - brushes slightly wider than the shoulders and are in line with the shoulders, arms straight - and put the toe of the left foot on the right heel.
  • Keeping your back straight, lower your torso until your chest approaches the floor.
  • When lowering the dumbbell, raise your other hand - this is one rep.
  • Pause and push your hands back to the starting position. Sitting upper rods
  • Take the bar of the block trainer with a direct grip, with your hands shoulder-width apart.
  • Working with one hand and squeezing the shoulder blades, pull the bar of the simulator to the chest.
  • Pause and return to starting position. Lifting dumbbells while sitting on an incline bench
  • Place the back of an incline bench at an angle of 45 °. Take dumbbells and lie down on your chest. Hands are lowered, thumbs are turned to each other
  • Bending your elbows and bringing your shoulder blades, raise your shoulders as high as possible. At the end of the movement, the shoulders should be almost perpendicular to the body, and the forearms should be upright.
  • Pause and smoothly return the fillets to their original position.


If trips to the rocking chair are no longer random for you, you have a training program and, in general, excellent chest muscles have almost become your main pride, here are steps to perfection. 1-2 weeks, 2 sets of 10-12 reps 3-4 weeks, 2-3 sets of 8-10 reps Lifting the bar in a slope

  • Take the bar with a straight wide grip, but in a way that is convenient. The legs are shoulder-width apart and slightly bent at the knees. Bending your hip joints, bend about 45 °. Hands with a barbell are lowered as the shoulder joints allow.
  • Pull the bar up, pause and slowly lower it to its original position. Upper tow bars with towels
  • Throw a towel on both arms of the neck of the back simulator. Sit on a bench and hold the ends of the towels so that the palms are facing each other • Using only your hands and squeezing the shoulder blades, pull the bar of the machine to the chest.
  • Pause and return to starting position. Lifting dumbbells across the sides behind your back
  • Take dumbbells and sit on the end of the training bench. Bend your knees slightly and, keeping your back straight, lean forward as low as possible. Hands with dumbbells lowered, thumbs turned towards each other
  • Without changing the angle of the elbows, slowly raise the dumbbells as high as possible.
  • Pause and slowly lower the dumbbells to their original position.


If you have been engaged in strength training for at least six months, have already managed to try out several training schemes and were able to achieve a real increase in strength and muscle mass, then this is the program for you. Just a few thousand more repetitions and tens of tons of raised weight and your chest muscles will eclipse the Sun. 1-2 weeks of 2 sets of 6-8 reps (after a warm-up with a lighter weight) 3-4 weeks 2-3 sets of 4-6 reps (after a warm-up) 5-6 weeks of 2 sets of 6 -8 repetitions of the 7-8th week 2 sets of 4-6 repetitions Push-ups from the floor with the feet resting on the gym ball

  • ake the position for push-ups from the floor and put your legs on the legs with the legs on the gym ball. Keep your arms and back straight so that the body from the shoulders to the ankles forms a straight line.
  • Lower yourself until your chest approaches the floor. Pause and push your hands back to the starting position. Alternating dumbbell bench press, lying upside down on an inclined bench
  • Take dumbbells and lay your back on an inclined bench so that your head is below.
  • Bending your elbows, keep the dumbbells just above your shoulders. The palms are facing each other.
  • Squeeze one dumbbell up so that in a straightened arm the projectile is directly above the chin.
  • Lowering the dumbbell to the chest, synchronously repeat the movement with the other hand.
  • Alternately change the position of the hands until you finish the approach.
  • Start each new approach with a different hand. Reducing the arms on the block simulator.
  • Fasten the yoke handles to the lower expanders of the crossover simulator.
  • Grasp the left handle with the left hand, and the right with the right. Now stand right in the center of the simulator, arms extended to the sides and slightly bending them at the elbows.
  • Without bending your elbows, pull the handles of the expanders up and to the middle until your hands are closed at eye level.
  • Pause and return to starting position. Choose a tedious program for you, clearly follow our instructions and the result - the best pectoral muscles of all time - you will be guaranteed.