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Stanozolol 10 ml
Stanozolol 10 ml
Model: 50 mg
Availability: In stock
50 $

Stanozolol 10 ml


The vast majority of athletes are looking for a steroid drug that would simultaneously increase muscle volumes and at the same time burn off subcutaneous fat. Everyone knows that the musculature relief is much more important than the volumes, which are often caused by a set of fluid and fat. On the chemical structure, it is a popular stanozolol (Winstrol).

Stanozolol has good anabolic activity and a low androgenic index. In this case, the steroid boasts anti-progesterone properties, which is why it is often used in combined courses of steroids to suppress possible drugs from other drugs.

Despite the good anabolic effect, the growth of muscle mass from the use of stanozolol is not as pronounced as when taking methane or turinabol. Often, stanadrol is used for drying or for the anabolic background in the "compote" preparations. In general, stanozolol is a multifunctional drug that can give cherished muscle volumes when combined with other steroids or give the desired relief, which is manifested by draining water and burning fat.

Stanozolol 10 ml for sale

Effects of a course of stanozolol:


·Fast fat burning, even in problem areas;

·Growth of muscle mass without a set of fluid or fat;

·The appearance of a relief;

·The pronounced effect of stiffness and fullness of muscles, especially at the end of the course;

·Excellent anabolic background;

·Can be used for bridges between courses;

·Ideally combined with almost all steroids;

·Suppresses estrogenic drugs of other drugs;

·Increases strength and strength endurance;

·Increases pumping;

·It is one of the safest steroids;

·Suitable for both muscle mass and weight loss.

Buy Stanozolol 10 ml


At huge dosages can strike the liver. Do not use more than 80 mg per day. No more effect from this will not happen. The only serious side effect can be considered draining the liquid. On the one hand, it helps to acquire relief muscles, on the other hand - stanozolol dries ligaments and joints, as a result of which strength training for a small number of repetitions can cause a number of injuries. This is why it is recommended to practice stanozolol in a high-volume format for 10+ repetitions.


The main area of ​​application of long-acting Winstrol is bodybuilding: the period of preparation for the competition. In combination with a diet limited in calories, which is rich in proteins, long-acting Winstrol gives the muscles firmness and firmness. Winstrol long-acting diet is not normally accepted as a single steroid, t. Due to its small androgenic component, it unreliable protects the athlete from damage to muscle tissue. The absence of pronounced androgenic effects is compensated by the combined use of Parabolan. Combination Winstrol dl. 50 mg per day and Fiadadeqt 30 mg per day a few years ago was the "top combination of championships." Because The original Fidaveject is no longer produced, this role was assumed by Parabolan.

50 mg / ml 10 ml

From 50mg per day and up.

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