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How to quickly build muscle?

For many athletes, especially in professional activities, achieving results is very important. It is no secret that with special efforts everything can be achieved, even the impossible. But a logical question arises: how? How to make sure that each action brings closer to the desired result, and does not leave a bitter aftertaste of defeat?

For the bodybuilder, this has been and will be the issue of muscle growth - high-quality, painless and effective. Every day, training in the gym, taking certain medications and restricting oneself in food, it is not always possible to come to what you want. It is for this reason that it is important to understand the various aspects of this matter.

Why doesn’t it work?

Our body is designed so that it is not prone to change. Rather, reluctantly goes to them. This can be compared with the party of conservatives in politics: no matter how wonderful new ideas are, they will not accept them in view of their position. So our body is aimed at constancy and location in the "comfort zone". Specialists attribute this to the natural function of the body to homeostasis, in other words to the logical existence of a person.

But there is also a flip side to the coin: if there are certain scales, then something must in fact be balanced with something? If we conditionally place our body on one bowl of scales - static, constant, unchanged, then on the second we (as if we did not want to) get the external environment - weather, innovations, critical situations. In other words, whether we want it or not, the foreign and domestic policies of our lives are somehow interconnected. If a “hole” occurs in the external environment, then we will have to change and adapt to new conditions, otherwise we risk perishing. In the same way, if changes occur within us, the outside world also meets our needs, changing and deforming. This process is not in vain called adaptation - adaptation to previously unknown conditions. In other words, adaptation can be compared to addiction.

But why did we talk about politics, weather and scales, when it comes to athletes and their bodies? And the connection here is the most direct. When we come to the gym for training, we upset this very internal balance by the influence of the external environment. You load your muscles by lifting "iron", muscle fibers are destroyed. And if this happens all the time, then your body is simply forced to adapt. How? With the help of an increase in the size of these same muscles.

Muscle growth

How does our muscle gain occur? Let's figure it out.

Initially, our level is “middle”. In other words, this is the current view of our biceps. When you train in the gym, straining your muscles, and then go home, relax and gain strength ... What is happening? And the fact that your body quickly seeks to "heal" the wounds in the form of damaged muscles and return to the previous state. At this time, your body will do everything to restore you to the original level. So, the biceps will return to its original size. But here, history is only gaining momentum. “What if he goes to the gym again? And if you don’t? So ... you need to make sure ”- your muscles think and produce supercompensation. Namely, it is increasing in size. If you don’t disturb them anymore, then everything will return to normal in a few weeks. Funny game, right?

A little bit about progression of loads

This is another important rule in our business. As you noticed, supercompensation is a rather risky option. And so that your body does not return to its previous state, the body must receive a progression of loads at the same time when the supercompensation mode is “turned on”. Right now, and not in a month, half a year or 5 years. But that is not all. You must not only train again, but also train with great effort. So that your muscles understand: "This guy will not give up." Remember: every time you plan a workout, it should be in the supercompensation phase. Do you want to go forward? So train harder - every subsequent time. This must be done precisely at the moment of supercompensation because in this case you are at the peak of your power and strength. And too often, training is also not worth it. After all, rest is important for the body, and not the onset of negative effects - overtraining and stunting. Do not close this circle, but become better - here and now.

Muscle pumping recipe: how to “cook”

As you already understood, everything is extremely simple and clear: tomorrow (conditionally) train with more effort than yesterday. Thus, your body will regularly grow and adapt to stressful conditions. But here everything is not very simple. Do you remember getting used to it? In the same way, so your body gets used to doing nothing, just like that, it adapts to regular loads. A new phase is approaching - a plateau. This is typical for those who have been practicing for a year or more. They have a question: "What to do next?".

All the same, only more competently: increase the load, not biceps. Rather, think in that direction.

Failure Control

You will probably be confused now, but that's what experts advise. As soon as you feel that your body is used to training and your body is no longer growing, weaken your ardor. More precisely, weaken the load in training or abandon them for a short time. Sound crazy? Have you forgot about adaptation? Understand that once your muscles become weaker, you will stress them again, returning to a serious rhythm after a pause. And they will grow again. It is tested and really works!

Periodic stress on the body

How does this circuit work? Nothing complicated: you need to develop the habit of getting everything gradually, and not immediately. It is necessary to do a wave load, which consists in the fact that at the peak of strength you train hard, and at the recession - lightly. In other words, you make one week (month) more intense, and the second (second) - easier. In this way you will get disconcerted. You can apply this scheme in such a time range as you like, the main thing is to delve into its essence.

Understand that sport is hard work. And in order to achieve results, sometimes you need to take a step back. But then remember to take two steps forward!

It really works. Taste of defeat? Forget about him. Properly approaching your life, you will achieve the correct results. Do not be afraid!