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Cenforce-D, Cenforce-D

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10 tablets
40 $

Cenforce-D for your pleasure

When a man starts having problems with the function of natural arousal before intercourse, then the well-known drug Viagra comes to the rescue. Fortunately for certain segments of the population, there are analogues of this drug in the market of pharmacology, which differs from the original only in price policy, and has an identical composition with Viagra. That is why it is important to choose one of the newest analogues Cenforce-D.

What is the special feature of Cenforce-D?

Let's list some interesting facts about the drug:

  • Cenforce-D is one of the newest drugs on the market of pharmacology, which unlike other analogs has not one active substance, but two, thus gaining an advantage over others;
  • in addition to the ordinary sildenafil Cenforce-D contains a substance such as dapoxetine;
  • as shown by the research of specialists, this combination of active substances is safe for the body of men, and also contributes to the increase of male indicators;
  • it is also necessary to remember that the combination of these drugs is safe, since they have been tested by reputable specialists.

Dapoxetine is a special drug of its kind, as it solves the problems of premature ejaculation. Drugs based on dapoxetine is excellent for those representatives of the stronger sex, which has problems with the duration of sexual intercourse. In practice, taking dapoxetine helps to prolong sexual intercourse up to four times. And the soothing effect of the acting remedy helps to get the maximum pleasure from the sexual act. In combination with sildenafil Cenforce-D has more powerful effect. Sildenafil is the main component of well known Viagra, and has a fairly simple principle of action. Due to the action of the drug, the vessels of the penis relax and it becomes filled with blood. Thus, pills stimulate natural erection and prolonged sex.

It is important to know before applying. Before taking the pill to improve the function of excitation,you need to consult a specialist. It is important to remember that it is necessary to check this drug for an allergic reaction. Cenforce-D can not be taken by women and boys under the age of 18. It is highly not recommended to take this drug to the stronger sex, who have diseases of the cardiovascular system. Also, Cenforce-D has some side effects that can be expressed in mild dizziness, drowsiness, diarrhea, nasal congestion and nausea. You should give up concentrated work while taking the drug. It should be noted that this tool has an effect on the kidneys and liver, so specialists do not recommend taking pills if there are problems with the above-mentioned organs.

Mode of application

Cenforce-D is generally prescribed to patients who suffer from premature ejaculation and can not be aroused naturally. By taking this drug, you can at times increase the duration of the sexual act, get a wide range of pleasure and strengthen the male potency.

Regardless of the time of eating, you need to take one tablet of Cenforce-D a few hours before sexual intercourse. It is important to remember that this drug can not be combined with alcohol and grease food. During the day, you can not take more than one capsule, and the period of validity is from four to twelve hours of action.

The peculiarity of this drug is that when it is received there is a so-called "cumulative function". This means that at the end of the term at half a year the natural erection improves and the duration of the sexual act increases.

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