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Winstrol Desma
Winstrol Desma
Producer: Desma Spain
Model: 50 mg
Availability: In stock


10 ampoules
50 $


Desma Winstrol Depot


About the drug

Desma Winstrol Depot is considered the best anabolic, which is so widely used by bodybuilders. Its roots went back to the 1960s, and it gained immense popularity only in our time, and it's absolutely not surprising. He has many positive qualities that simply cannot be ignored today. The available course of Winstrol is absolutely in any form, very often this drug athletes use in the form of tablets. The drug has gained great popularity among bodybuilders, as well as athletes, for which the presence of muscle mass is very important. Moreover, the steroid improves the endurance and strength of athletes, which are so necessary in almost all sports.

For athletes, the effect of Desma Winstrol Depot is also notable for promoting the growth of strength, performance and endurance in a fairly short time after the start of the course. It is rightfully considered one of the most effective drugs for athletics disciplines and sports, where the development of basic physical characteristics without pronounced increase in body weight is required.


Working and Positive Effects


The active substance in the base of the drug, stanozolol, is a strong steroid drug, originally developed for medical purposes. The first analogues Winstrol went on sale in the 60-70's. Specifically, the first such drug was released in 1962 by Winthrop Laboratories. For some time, injections and tablets of stanozolol were used only to treat people and, presumably, in veterinary medicine, but in the aftermath of their effects became known to athletes. Today, despite the prohibitions, they are in high demand in sports practice.

For your information: Winstrol (stanozolol) was prescribed for the treatment of hereditary angioedema, anemia, protein synthesis and regenerative processes in the body after severe surgical interventions, and not only; in veterinary medicine, such pharmacological agents were used to stimulate the strength, endurance and speed indicators of animals, in particular racehorses.


Effects of the Desma Winstrol Depot:


•increase strength and endurance;

•rapid growth of muscle fascia;

•increased libido.

Buy Desma Winstrol Depot online and be the best of the best!


Dosage and Expected Result


Nowadays, Winstrol is considered the most popular and famous drug known all over the world. It is used by professional athletes who have been working on their bodies for many years, and know what will be effective for them and what will not. It is he who is considered the safest drug, after vinstrol there are no abnormalities in the work of organs and systems, even in the liver, which is a huge plus for the drug. Winstrol can also be used for women's bodybuilding sport, as for women it plays an even bigger role, due to the lack of a male hormone of testosterone in them.

First of all, the application can be characterized by an increased level of relief, as well as drying of the body. Athletes immediately there is an abundant fat burning, which simply cannot but please any bodybuilder, feedback Winstrol is fully confirmed. Also, the drug can be characterized as an anti-progestagenic effect.

When taking this medication, the athlete gets rid of an unnecessary amount of fluid in the body, as a result, and there is an effect such as drying the body. Very often the drug is taken in the form of an injection form, since only in this case it does not have any negative effect on the liver. Daily rate for a professional athlete should be up to 50 mg, in the 7 -12 days period . You can buy winstrol in any sports nutrition store in your city, or order online at the online store. This use of the drug is the best option for professional bodybuilders, if we consider athletes or boxers, then their dose will be much lower, up to 20 mg per day. Price vinstrola is available to any athlete. Buy Desma Winstrol Depot online and make the first step into the world of bodybuilding!

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