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45 $

Buy Vidalista 40


Vidalista 40 is one of the most effective drugs to combat erectile dysfunction (impotence) in men. An improved product was developed recently by the Indian pharmaceutical company Centurion Laboratories. In the composition there is a double dose of the active substance – tadalafil. Due to this, the medicine gives an unbelievable positive result, providing a stable erection for a long time.

The drug is produced in a new and improved form, so it saves men from the common problem at times more efficiently. Due to the content of a double dose of the active substance, Vidalista 40 faster and more efficiently will save any man from sexual impotence. Positive feedback from many patients only confirms this. This product is economically profitable because of its production in India. So in the end we get a powerful and cheap means for potency.




•to obtain the maximum possible result, the drug should be taken only according to the instructions;

•the minimum single dose is 20 mg of Vidalista 40 (half a tablet), and the daily dose should not exceed 40 mg;

•in most men, a minimal dose is enough to get a reliable and long lasting erection;

•any correction of dosages should be carried out only under the strict supervision of the doctor after a thorough check of the patient's health and physiological characteristics;

•the optimal time of reception is 30-40 minutes before sexual contact;

•with a sexual desire, the effect occurs after 40-50 minutes and lasts up to 48 hours during which men can lead a sexual life and do not think about re-taking the remedy for potency;

The amount of food consumed does not affect the manifestation of the effect, the combination is combined with a small amount of alcohol.


Effect of the drug


The main active substance, like in the analogue is tadalafil, which is contained in one tablet in amount of 40 mg. This substance inhibits the activity of a particular enzyme of phosphodiesterase of the fifth type (PDE-5). Due to the influence of Vidalista 40 there is an increase in the level of cGMP in the tricky body of the male sexual organ, as a result of which the blood flow increases and, consequently, an erection occurs. It also affects the production and activity of nitric oxide. The effect is manifested only in the presence of concomitant sexual stimulation. In his absence, the mechanism of erection will not be started.

Contraindications. Medication is used in the treatment of erectile disorders, solves problems with a decrease in potency and generally contributes to improving the quality of sex.

Contraindicated in the use of women and minors, as well as people suffering from acute renal and hepatic insufficiency, cardiovascular diseases, arrhythmia, priapism, as well as having spinal trauma, damage to the brain and spinal cord, an unexcited stroke or heart attack. People who are hypersensitive to any of the components of the drug must take this drug with caution.

As with any potency remedy, Vidalista 40 has a number of minor side effects that do not require medical intervention: nasal congestion, headaches and dizziness, pain in the temples and lower back, general weakness and rapid heart rate. These phenomena disappear in just a few hours.

Shelf life and storage conditions. Keep the drug in a closed place away from animals and children at a low ambient temperature. Shelf life – 2 years from the date of production.

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