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Trenaver Acetat, Vermodje SRL

Trenaver Acetat
Producer: Vermodje SRL
Model: 10 ml/100 mg
Availability: In stock
100 $

Trenaver A is a powerful, effective anabolic steroid created by the pharmaceutical company Vermodje SRL. Contains a high concentration of active substance - trenbolone acetate, which allows you to achieve significant power gain and is used both for the recruitment and drying of the general muscle mass. The main effect of the drug is based on the stimulation of the production of somatotropin and insulin, which has a very positive effect on the dynamics of metabolism in discharges. And mass recruitment. Naturally, you must clearly follow the instructions and dosages, as well as provide the appropriate diet during the application (focusing on the goals that you set for yourself). Initially Trenaver A was used in veterinary procedures - it was injected into livestock to correct the dynamics of feed intake, improve appetite and weight correction in general.

Usage in sports

As often happens, with its excellent performance, the drug attracted the attention of representatives of different sports.

  • Nothing surprising in this position of substances - Trenaver A has an excellent dynamics of progestagenic activity and does not aromatize.
  • The substance is a modification of nandrolone, improved by the addition of acetate ether molecules.
  • In the shortest time, it has a complex effect, increasing the athletic performance of the practitioner's body.

Trenaver A has proven itself in bodybuilding and powerlifting around the world, among athletes and amateurs of different levels. Positive side effects of the drug can be considered increased libido and lowering of the level of cortisol, which contributes to raising the general tone of the body and a positive feeling during the reception time.

Trenaver A can boast simply huge androgenic and anabolic dynamics, exceeding similar testosterone values by 2-4 times. Due to the peculiarities of its composition and formula, the molecule of matter is included in the work gradually, revealing enough time that the athlete can sing to take advantage of all the benefits and positive effects of the drug. The effect of a single dose lasts up to three days, which reduces the number of injections and maintains a high level of the hormone in the blood.

Application of the drug Trenaver Acetate

Trenaver A is used intramuscularly, injections are carried out in the buttocks area, in an amount of 50 to 100 milligrams, every 48 hours. Do not increase the dosage above specified - it can lead to negative side effects. The drug is contraindicated in women, as it works with male metabolism and hormonal background. 

This drug is the highest in the list of the most effective metabolic modifiers and body mass correctors. The increase in strength is quite pleasant side effects, as well as the lack of aromatization in estrogen and non-toxicity for the liver make this substance highly sought-after and popular. Also Trenaver A does not contribute to the accumulation of excess fluid in tissues and gynecomastia, which is typical for many similar steroids. Of course, if you break the dosage or the order of taking, you can become a victim of negative side effects - increased blood pressure, baldness, disturbance of the sebaceous glands and epidermis, insomnia and behavior disorders.

This drug will help you quickly achieve the desired result, build the muscles of your dreams. It will contribute to the correction of metabolism and muscle mass at the hormone level and is a safe (albeit expensive) steroid, with the dosage, the schedule of admission and the specialized diet.

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