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Stanozolol + Trenbolone enanthate
Stanozolol + Trenbolone enanthate
Availability: In stock
150 $

Stanozolol + Trenbolone enanthate


About the drug

Course Stanozolol + Trenbolon Enanthate price, which is not small, is considered very effective - strong and in demand among bodybuilders. These are two anabolic steroid, which can help to get very good results. Drugs are not able to retain fluid and fight against fat deposits well. So, the athlete for the course of admission gets a gain of dry muscle mass and gradually gets rid of an extra layer of fat.


Working and Positive Effects


Separately, it is worth paying attention to the quality of the results. This course does not just work for the gain of muscle mass and strength, but in addition it has a positive effect on many other factors. The basis of any good course is a relief, which is very difficult to achieve. Stanozolol in conjunction with Trenbolone enanthate is aimed at burning subcutaneous fat, which markedly outlines the relief and makes the muscles more rigid and firm.


•Significant increase in strength and endurance by 30 - 35%;

•The gain of dry muscle mass is 4 - 5 kg. for the course;

•Visual improvement of muscle relief;

•Noticeable fat burning effect throughout the course;

•Quick recovery after heavy exercise and training.


Dosage and Expected Result


Dosages of Stanozolol and Trenbolon Enanthate in the course are designed for an average athlete, but not a pro or a beginner with a weight of 70kg. The proposed bunch of steroids can be used 1 to 2 times a year, and especially in the final stage of the collection of quality muscle mass. Also, it will be good to apply steroids of this type closer to the spring - summer period.

Stanozolol 100 tab. - oral steroid in the course is designed for a duration of intake of up to 5 weeks. It is advisable to take the crushed scheme, but not all at once. The first week of admission the Stanozolol consists of 3 tablets. a day and so on every day. It turns out that 3 tab. for a day, it is necessary to divide approximately on 3 equal receptions on 1 tab. for 1 time.

Trenbolone Enanthate 10 ml. - injection form of a strong steroid aimed at a set of dry mass and strength. This is an ether of a long decay and therefore more than 2 times a week, it should not be stabbed. All injectable steroids are injected intramuscularly, best of all in the gluteus muscle. To do this, you can use a syringe for 2 ml, or 5 ml. Keep in the refrigerator is not necessary, it does not deteriorate. We choose 2 days a week for example, Monday - Thursday, or Tuesday - Friday and strictly on the selected days we put Trenbolon. This course includes: Stanozolol 100 tab. + Trenbolone Enanthate 10 ml. + Clomid 20 tab.

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