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SP Testosterona C 10ml, SP Laboratories (SP Labs)

SP Testosterona C 10ml
Availability: In stock
59 $

About the drug

SP Testosteron C 10ml is a powerful anabolic and androgenic steroid drug produced by the pharmacological company SP Laboratories. Its active ingredient is the testosterone cypionate ester (a steroid dissolved in oil having properties similar to the enanthate one), yielding a lasting and uniform aftermath continuing on average about half a month.

There are quantity the fallouts of this anabolic and androgen and other beneficial backlashes, for example,gained appetite, invigorating bones and improving the function of the joints.

The precursors of the described medicament, created on the same active substance, appeared in the western market of pharmacology in the middle of the XXth century (the first such remedy was released in the 50s by Pharmacia & Upjohn). Initially, they were not very famous, because athletes saw in the cypionate only a substitute enanthate with similar estates.

Working and Positive Effects

SP Testosteron C 10ml is primarily a powerful anabolic and androgen (its anabolic and androgenic capacity, by the way, fully correspond to that in endogenous testosterone). Moreover, it can boast a longed and uniform outcomet, going on average from fifteen to sixteen days (the half-life period is about six to eight days). This feature relieves the athlete from the need to perform frequent injections. In most situations, injections of cypionate are done once a week. Purchase SP Testosteron C 10ml online and start training right now!

It is also known that SP Testosteron C 10ml, like other testosterone essence esters, has multiple and diverse corollaries that can be profitable not only to sportsmen within sports practice, but also in everyday life:

It affords expeditious merging of muscle mass;Significantly hikes the athlete's tencities;Hikes propensity without a false sense of hunger;Improves the function of the joints (achievable due to the accumulation of water);Courages the bones and the whole skeleton;Improves overall vitality and enhances the desire to exercise.

Important: despite the persuasive and disparate useful action, buy SP Testosteron C 10ml online and you can exhibit certain side effects, which should not be forgotten. In particular, as a flavoring physic, it can lead to the appearance of estrogenic bad aftermaths, among which presence such deviations as the aggregation of fluids in the organismy, gynecomastia and an hiking in fatty layer.

Measure and Expected Result

In most situations, sportsmen apply the described steroid drug in circles aimed at exaggerating meat array and incrementing stamina. There are other advantages from its application, exceptionally, a tangible enlargement in hunger and strengthening of the joints. Note that the employing of this potion is generally mixed with other physics, from turinobol to boldenone (this is done to extend the overall perfomance  and capability of the therapy).

Use 250-500 mg of steroid per week. Inject every seven days, and all because the long enough period of activity - about 15-16 days from the time of admission. Be careful with combining the steroid with other drugs. In general, such volumes, frequency and duration of reception is sufficient for the development of the desired spectrum of testosterone effects.

It is meaningful to told: the measurement of the prescription paramount for injection are easily counted, because it has a fairly convenient concentration of the active substance, which passes averting errors in dosing - 200 mg per 1 ml. So, for the introduction of the advocated dosage of 500 mg, you require exactly 2.5 ml of the drug, for a measure of 250 mg - 1.25 ml, and so on. The figures are more or less even, so it's almost unreal to get confused and make mistakes here.

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