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SP Nandrolone-D 10ml, SP Laboratories (SP Labs)

SP Nandrolone-D 10ml
Model: Nandrolone decanoate 1ml/200mg
Availability: In stock


10 ampoules
75 $

About the drug

SP Nandrolone-D is a long-acting injectable anabolic steroid. The active substance has nandrolonedecanoate, an extended form of steroid, active 15-16 days after injection (half-life of 7-8 days), which has high anabolic (150% of testosterone) and low androgenic (30% of testosterone) activity.

The effect of the drug is not limited only to weight gain or bone strengthening, during the course, there may also be an increase in mobility, increased immunity, increased appetite, and even the libido of the person who uses it.

Due to a wide range of applications, the use of Nandrolone-D by SP Laboratories is relevant in almost all sports requiring high physical fitness and good health, from bodybuilding to triathlon.

The drug is used primarily in sports practice for courses in the collection of muscle mass, but thanks to the effects of strengthening the bone structure and reducing pain in the joints and used for medical purposes.

Working and Positive Effects

Despite the appearance on the market in the 1960s, the preparations of nandrolonedecanoate have not only not been lost to date, but also have acquired the urgency of doping. The first steroid products were developed and manufactured for medicine (for the treatment of anemia, osteoporosis, muscular dystrophy and other disorders), while showing high effectiveness in sports application, which was the reason for the ever growing popularity among amateurs and sports professionals.

The main effects of SP Nandrolone-D, valued by athletes, are a marked increase in muscle mass, increased endurance, power capacity, reduced fatigue, strengthening bones, joints and ligaments. The effect does not develop quickly, since the steroid is a prolonged action, and requires continuous administration to manifest its full spectrum. But the results, as a rule, have a higher quality and if accompanied, then a minimal retracement - the fluid retention is controlled by a low application (aromatization is minimal).

Effects of SP Nandrolone-D:

  • Up to 7 kg of pure muscle mass;
  • Activation of a set of muscle mass;
  • Increased immunity.

It is worth noting that you can buy SP Nandrolone-Donline in our store completely safe.

Dosage and Expected Result

SP Nandrolone-D does not require intensive administration, since it has a high duration of action up to several weeks. To maintain the optimal concentration of the substance, as a rule, 2 applications are sufficient for a whole week on equidistant days, for example, 200 mg on Monday and Friday.

The erroneous view that Nandrolone D in ampoules is a common testosterone, because the nandrolonedecanoate by the formula is distinguished by the absence of the 19th position of the carbon atom. This factor allowed to stabilize the androgenic effect and prevent associated side effects. On the reverse side - the absence of the methyl group 19 in the Deca structure means the possibility to display progesterone activity, which leads to suppression of the secretion of natural testosterone and problems with libido. Therefore, despite the low toxicity of the drug, do not unreasonably exceed dosages and avoid consulting a doctor before the course begins.

SP Nandrolone-D course for maximum results is effectively performed in combination with other steroids of anabolic and androgenic action: screaming turinabol, methandienone, testosterone, metronolone, methenolone, boldenone and other medications depending on the tasks and tolerability of the organism. To the not recommended are mainly ligaments with preparations also exhibiting progestagenic activity, such as trenbolone, oral or injectable oxymetholone. Watch for the dosage of the drug. Do not exceed the rate prescribed by the doctor. Buy SP Nandrolone-D online on our website and start building your body from today.

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