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Buy Cabergoline

Cabergoline (Dostinex) Preparation


The active substance Cabergoline is a dopamine receptor agonist. Its main action is to suppress the level of Prolactine - a peptide hormone. It is able to lower blood pressure, strengthen the libido and erection. Thanks to the expansion of the cavernous bodies, recovery after intercourse takes much less time.

Peptide hormone affects the mood, but its synthesis directly depends on the behavior. This creates a kind of vicious circle. When a man is in a depressed state, the production of prolactine increases, and if he is happy, a surge of dopamine, on the contrary, significantly reduces the synthesis of the hormone.

In What Forms Is Produced Cabergoline?

The substance is on sale under the following trade names:







How Does Men’s Low Prolactine Level Help


Against the background of an increased level of testosterone, a representative of a strong half of humanity can feel much stronger and more self-confident. He becomes polygamous, unable to make concessions and indulgences. Thanks to low prolactine, a man ceases to depend on public opinion, becomes mentally more stable.

Reduction of the production of the peptide hormone positively affects the libido and romantic side of a man's life, as well as it reduces the time of restoration of power that goes between the sexual acts. In addition, there is an increase observed of the penis as well as testicles sizes.

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Why Do Atheletes Use This Medication in Bodybuilding

When the substance is taken, there are usually in courses in conjunction with the complex of the medications. The dosage depends on individual level of hormones. Normally, the dosage taken is about 0.25 mg every four days, and in case of extremely high hormone level, you need to wait 48 hours for the normalization it normalizes, and then switch and begin classical (standard) scheme. Reception Kabergolina with the steroids allows you to eliminate swelling of the various body muscles and face. Bodybuilders most often take a substance of Dostinex.

A slightly different dosage option involves the use of the substance without taking medications that have progestin activity. This course helps improve the quality of life and overall performance. This scheme implies that the substance is taken every 10 days for 0.5 mg. Cabergoline is also used by natural bodybuilders who wish to improve their own performance without AAC. Dosages in this case take much less.

Do not get involved with the substance. Too low Prolactine has the opposite effect; it is fraught with a decrease in the protective functions of the body, lack of appetite, depression. If such an effect occurs, it is necessary to stop taking Cabergoline until it ceases to function, to resume the course with lower dosages and frequency of admission. This medication is absolutely safe for your body if you take it correctly.

Dostinex is also used in post-course therapy, when the level of Prolactine is overestimated. It is consumed by 0.25 mg not more than once a week.

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Reviews about Dostinex

Athletes, who take an active substance in the form of Dostinex, note its positive impact on both sex life and character. A man acquires sustainable level of the self-confidence there are not any spontaneous changes in the mood as well and the male's libido is extremely strength. Some athletes may experience gaining of the mass. Additionally many people say that the mood gets really better.

Do not forget about that feeling about the measure as well as the observance of dosage. But when you neglect recommendations, there will occur some side effects necessarily manifest themselves. Lack of adherence in order to increase the recommended intake of the medication and it becomes main reason that some athletes who overestimate the dosage leave negative feedback.

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