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Boldenone Depot 200, Bayer Schering Pharma

Boldenone Depot 200
Availability: In stock
50 $

 About the drug

Boldenone Depot is an anabolic steroid drug with moderately-low androgenic properties used by athletes for qualitative muscle growth, increased appetite, increased endurance and strength.

Due to extreme effective action on the body builds widely used sports pharmacology bodybuilders powerlifters me and many other athletes. (increasing muscule pump and appetite of animals), but showed high effectiveness as a sport dope, so it is currently the most common in the market of sports pharmacology.

Working and Positive Effects

Boldenone Depot, what effects do they have? Steroid has a variety of effects and, when properly applied, can contribute to multiple improvements, significant in sports practice. It can provide quality muscle growth, increase strength, increase appetite, improve the transport of oxygen in the body and increase the venous and muscle density of the patient. At the same time he is not characterized by hepatotoxicity, pronounced progestagenic or estrogenic activity, which practically relieves the athlete from many potential risks.

Boldenone Depot 200 is a strong anabolic. That's, the likelihood of manifestations of such violations, as baldness, greasy skin, acne or facial hair and body, is low.

Effect of the drug:

  • Increased muscle mass;
  • Increased strength;
  • Increased appetite;
  • Increased muscle mass.

Boldenone Depot from Bayer Schering due to its relatively small androgenicity is one of the steroid means suitable for women for sporting purposes. However, athletes usually do not recommend its high dosages, only small doses in the region of 50-100 mg in a full week to avoid side effects. When the steroid is abused and its use is too long, women are exposed to the risk of symptoms of virilization (from increasing the fat content of the skin and excessive facial hair and body hair till the coarsening of the voice) or other abnormalities. Buy Boldenone Depot online and change your future life!

Dosage and Expected Result

The average dosage of Boldenone Depot for men is 200-600 mg per week. Usually, these are doses of 400mg per week, divided into 2 administrations on equidistant days to ensure a maximum and stable concentration of the active substance. Such amounts of the drug for an overwhelming number of applicants are sufficient for excellent results in a set of muscle mass, increased strength and endurance.

The course Boldenone Depot can effectively last from 6 to 10 weeks, is often combined, so that the course results in the maximum improvement. The drug is almost universal - can effectively combine with different in properties analogs, - from testosterone propionate to methandienone (depending on the purpose, physical form and experience of applying).

After the course of application of Boldenone Depot is over, it is necessary to conduct post-course therapy: clomiphene citrate can be administered within 50-150 mg per day or tamoxifen within 10-40 mg per day for several weeks.

Examples of combined courses: with methenolone and oxandrolone - for drying for beginners; with testosterone enanthate and oxymetholone - massonaborny for athletes who are experienced in the application of athletic pharmacology, with oral turinabol - beginners for the increase of quality muscle mass and strength indicators. Although there is a small chance of side effects exceeding the doctor's dose, it is not recommended under any circumstances. Also, many specialists and do not recommend combining these steroid with other pharmacological drugs without the permission of the attending physician. Also it is necessary to pass an examination for individual tolerability of this drug. Buy Boldenone Depot online and start the real training!

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