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Testosterone Cipionat
Testosterone Cipionat
Producer: Vermodje SRL
Availability: In stock
60 $

Testosterone Cipionat

Testover C 200mg (Testosterone Cypionate) is one of the longest active testosterone esters known to date. Its characteristic feature: the drug is excreted from the body for two weeks. For this reason, it has the property of prolonged fluid retention in the body, the percentage of which can reach up to 30%, which is much higher than that of other anabolics. As a rule, the remedy is cemented with the treatment of other steroids, which gives a tangible outcome when recruiting meat array. The outcome on the figure is identical to the natural hormone testosterone, responsible for many functions of the male torso.

The direct repercussions of Testover C (Testosterone Cypionate) comprise the symbolic hike in body weight. Testimonials on the Testover C 200 mg are forward-looking within bodybuilders, but still the avail of this steroid can lead to possible side effects, namely:

  • Perpetuated water keeping in the organism;
  • Exaggerates the propensity hypertension;
  • Gains aggression.


Rate Testover C 200mg involves taking 1 ml, 2 times a week in combination with the medicine Nadrolon Decanoate at the equal portion. The term of the cycle is 5 weeks. Although many, especially not qualified bodybuilders, prefer to handle testosterone cypionate solo, without combining with other steroids. This method is fully justified, analyzing its affection to raise the mass of the torso. To buy a Testover C 200mg in Kiev is not difficult, for this it is plenty to leave an application on our site, also you can just call the specified number and agree on a purchase with our consultant. Note that the prices for Testover C 200mg are acceptable, in resemblance with some other ones of this category. Testosterone Cypionate slightly delays aqua in the body. Its grades mergers for 2 weeks.

Like any injection Testosterus Cypionate gives a meaningful improvement in strength and muscle stamina, but the drawbacks are that Testosterus Cypionate is easily aromatized, which can be a very considerable accumulation of water in the body of the sportsmen. Therefore, this medicine should not be operated during the drying period.

Besides Testosterus Cypionate generates gynecomastia, in this occasion it is unavoidable to exploit Proviron or Nolvadex, which will help to avert lateral responses. In addition you ought to run Proscar (finasteride) to block the aromatization of testosterone in dihydrotestosterone. Testosterone Cypionate is active in the body for 2 weeks.

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How To Take Testosterone Cypionate Correctly

The best option is the introduction of Testosterone Cypionate 2 times a week. If you employ 800 to 1000 mg per week, the central corollaries in heaviness will be due to water, and not at the expense of dry excellence mass, so seizure megadoses is not so legitimate. It should also be remarked that the benefit of this potion quickly suppresses the production of its own testosterone. Thus, afterwards a course of esters of testosterone, post-course circle (gonadotropin) is demanded. This will encourage to bypass loss of denounements then the end of the system. Preferred quantities Testosterone Cypionate 200 - 400 mg per week.

Get Testosterone Cipionat online

Mixed course. Therapy Testosterus Cypionate diverges little from the appeal of the course "solo". The most commonly applied in amalgamation with Decanoat, a dose of 200 mg per week, and the measure Testosterus Cypionate an middle of 200 mg per 7 days. You can still connect Danabol, Naposim, Anapolon, Oxymetalon!

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