Tadasoft 20 is a new generation drug for potency. Everyone knows that it is very important for a man to be in a healthy sexual form and even the slightest disruption in the functioning of the reproductive system is perceived with great bitterness. Everyone is faced with this problem in different ways, but everyone should receive appropriate treatment. Tadasoft 20 is a simple and effective tool in the fight against manifestations of erectile dysfunction. It will provide a stable, reliable erection in just 20 minutes. You and your lover will be really happy.
In the past, erectile dysfunction was found only in old age, but now even healthy and strong men mark the emerging problem. If in the middle of the twentieth century this problem was global in nature, now in connection with the emergence of a variety of drugs for potency, the situation began to change for the better. It is enough to drink a little medicine and you are on top!
By composition, the drug is a complete analogue of "Cialis", since they contain the same active substance – tadalafil. The advantage over its "analog" is more democratic price of Tadasoft 20 and improved form of tablets. This drug is available in the form of dragees for sublingual use, which speeds up its penetration into the blood.
A highly active component of the drug is Tadalafin, which is contained in one tablet as much as 20 mg. This substance belongs to the group of inhibitors of PDE-5. It increases the level of cGMP in the tricky body of the penis, which leads to relaxation of the smooth muscles of the arteries and the flow of blood to the tissues of the penis. It also affects the production and activity of nitric oxide, which stimulates blood circulation in the pelvic region. In the absence of sexual stimulation, the mechanism of erection will not be launched.
Method of application and dose:
This treatment is not intended for women and people under the age of majority. If there is an acute cardiac-vascular insufficiency, an injury to the spine, a recent stroke or infarction, damage to the spinal cord, severe arrhythmia, the drug is contraindicated. Precautions should be taken for people who are hypersensitive to any drug components and who are exposed to allergic reactions to tadalafin. With elephantiasis to priapism, a painful erection can occur. Before taking the drug, consult your doctor.
As with any drug, Tadasoft 20 has a number of minor side effects that do not require medical intervention. These include mild headache, pain in the temples, weakness, rapid heartbeat. If the instructions for use are observed, they disappear within a few hours.