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Sushagra-100, Sushagra-100

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30 $

Buy Sukhagra to forget about sexual problems

When a man with age faces the problem of sexual impotence, then he begins to look for all sorts of options for excitement. To the aid comes famous for all of us Viagra, but because of the high price it is unavailable for everybody. Therefore, thanks to the pharmaceutical market, we have analogues of expensive Viagra which also have democratical price.

Suhagra is a potent drug,which has the same principle of action as Viagra. It responds to all declared standards of the United States in the field of pharmaceuticals and men's health. It is important to know that this tool is approved by the US quality control department. Suhagra is one of the strongest analogues of Viagra on the today’s market.

It is important to know before applying

Here is some information you need to be acquainted with before using the preparation:

  • Before taking the drug you should consult with a specialist. It is important to determine the reaction to the active substance, in order to avoid allergies in the future.
  • It is not recommended to use the drug to men who have problems with the cardiovascular system and who previously suffered a stroke or heart attack.
  • It is also worth refraining from eating food to the stronger sex, who are banned from physical activity and sexual contact.
  • It is important to understand that this drug has an effect on the kidneys and liver, so it is not recommended to take medicine for men with problems with the above-mentioned organs.

Suhagra is taken orally. It is necessary to drink it with chilled water. It is forbidden to combine this drug with alcoholic beverages. And if other analogues assume the reception of one glass of champagne, then with regard to this drug, the intake of alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited.

The dosage of Sukhagra is similar to other drugs of similar action – no more than 1 tablet per day. Overdosing of the drug can lead to a pathogenic long-lasting erection. In this case, you need to drink plenty of water, due to which the pain will subside and the erection will subside. Also, it is worth noting that the reception of Sukhagra is not addictive and does not entail serious side effects.

Reviews about this drug are positive. Most men notice a prolonged erection, which occurs in a short time after taking.

What are we dealing with?

The drug Suhagra suits both guys and men. Drug acceptance is permitted for men from 18 years with a weak erection. Before using the preparation you to consult a specialist. At such an early age, a weak erection can be caused by stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs.

Older men take the drug for the prevention of erectile dysfunction after stress and the use of tobacco products. Similarly, representatives of the stronger sex are older in using Sukhagra to maintain an active sexual life up to 60-65 years.

Mechanism of action. Like all analogues of Viagra, Suhagra has in its composition an active substance – sildenafil. The principle of sildenafil is to relax the muscles of the penis and expand the walls of blood vessels is filling the penis with blood, which causes an erection. Suhagra is available in the form of tablets and is taken orally with plenty of water. Acts start in 30 hours after taking the tablets and continue the action for 6-8 hours. Such amount of time will provide a full-fledged reception of pleasure from sexual intercourse, will bring pleasure to the sexual partner. During the action causes 4 powerful erections, and the duration of sexual intercourse can vary from 30 to 80 minutes.

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